Jan 6, 2017 | Marketing

How to Improve your Twitter Marketing Part 2

Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries


You may remember last year when we published “How to Improve your Twitter Marketing (Part 1).” After a year of advancement in social media marketing, we’re back again with another five tips for you to best market your business on Twitter.

Experiment with Twitter ads. Similar to Facebook ads, Twitter can promote tweets with your goals, specific audiences, and budget in mind. You can select the goal of driving more traffic to your website, increasing followers, increasing tweet engagements, or increasing brand awareness. These ads can be targeted as broadly as geographical location to as specific as audience behaviors.

There is much to be tinkered with in establishing your audience. Much of social media advertising is really trial and error to find what best works for the people you are trying to reach. So get experimenting, and when your ad campaign is over, be sure to review the results so you can improve for next time!

Make lead generation cards. Did you know Twitter could do this? Twitter has a service to set up a lead card that allows you to capture email addresses and the corresponding Twitter account with a simple click from Twitter users. These are great to use in accordance with specials and deals, and will systematically increase your leads.

Don’t be afraid to share content multiple times. On different social media platforms such as Facebook, this is more often than not a “no-no.” But Twitter is different — the timeline on Twitter is a live streaming feed that does not necessarily boost things you will most likely be interested in. Not everyone is on Twitter at the same time, and most will not seek out your profile if they’ve missed a tweet of yours. So tweeting the same content multiple times will drive more engagement than if you tweet it just once. You can also use it as an opportunity to experiment with different text or images when you’re sharing for a second, third, or more times.

Check Twitter chats. This is a great feature of Twitter because the people using it are actively interacting. There are a wealth of different topics within Twitter chats and those topics related to your industry are likely to contain good business opportunities like generating leads, building relationships, and establishing yourself in the industry.

Plan ahead, create a schedule. It’s best to plan at least two to three weeks ahead in the Twitter world, particularly surrounding holidays and special events. It can also get difficult to constantly stay on top of Twitter from day to day. Planning ahead will free your time up to follow live trends and focus on generating leads.

We hope these tips were helpful! Remember, you always want your Twitter to be used as a vehicle to direct audiences to your original website or email content. Bare this in mind when you set your goals and strategize.

Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries

