Sep 15, 2016 | Networking

How Brands Are Missing Out on Facebook

Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries


It’s no secret nowadays that successful brands make the most of social media marketing– especially on Facebook.

You see advertisements every time you log on, whether they be sponsored ads or ads that pop up on the sidebar. Facebook makes sure you see them because it makes all its revenue off of selling your information to businesses.

Maybe you have even previously created a Facebook ad for your business. But if Facebook ads aren’t created with the right goal in mind, they won’t be helpful to you in bringing quality potential customers.

There’s considerably more that you can do on Facebook to maximize your marketing efforts. Here are a few tips:

    1. Make Your Website a Priority
      When creating an ad, many businesses will place focus on the metrics Facebook offers – Likes, Reach, Engagement – in order to measure the ad’s success. This isn’t wrong, but these metrics can be meaningless unless you’re driving quality traffic.What is quality traffic?

      Quality traffic is people who have a legitimate interest in your brand. These are the people who will answer your call to action and yield legitimate leads to sales. This is an audience that actually cares about you.Anyone can see a post, like it, or comment and share it. But unless your content inspires people to go a step further and make it to your website, your Facebook metrics won’t mean very much to your salespeople.But how do you actually build a quality audience? That brings us to the next tip.

    2. Create Original and Helpful Content
      Sure, sharing funny memes, videos, and photos that regularly circulate Facebook can get you more attention. But unless your brand offers content that’s original, relevant, and useful, there’s no motivation for your audience to have a genuine interest in you as a brand.

      Creating original content will provide a value to your brand for your audience. Most of this content should have little to do with your product. Depending on your industry, you will want to create content generally based around it. For example, if you are a real estate agent, you could create content answering questions like…

      a. What are some common real estate misconceptions?
      b. What is a buyer’s agent?
      c. What are some tips for first time buyers?

      With this type of content, you will be able to start creating a quality audience base that ultimately ends up at your website.

    3. Share, Promote, Build!
      Once you’ve created your content, you have to share it and get back to focusing on your Facebook metrics. At first you won’t get very much engagement. This is because most people aren’t interested in your content – but the people who are will be the people who click, and those are the people you really care about!

      Promote this content – this is what you want to spend your ad dollars on. The more value you have to offer, the higher the quality of your audience will become.

      Building a quality base that will respond to your calls to action is key in Facebook marketing.

So don’t just make your Facebook marketing about what happens on Facebook – create original content that drives people back to your website. Create actual value that will attract a quality fan base. Once you have a quality fan base, your opportunities will expand.


Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries

