Apr 14, 2022 | Communications, Marketing

Marketing Mission: How to Grow Your Focus on Meaning and Purpose

Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries

Finding meaning and purpose in life is something that most Americans think about on a regular basis. 

Imagine if we all had time to use the power of focus to find meaning and purpose in our personal and professional lives. 

When working in the business world, much of marketing focuses on getting the next lead, establishing customer loyalty, and using the latest marketing trends to grow your business. 

When you use a positive mindset to define marketing objectives, your marketing mission will begin to focus on meaning and purpose. Keep reading to learn how to grow both and stand out from the competition.

Purposeful Marketing 

When your business has a purpose outside of making a profit, you’ll develop a rapport with your customers. You’ll build a customer base that feels a deep connection to your company based on shared values. 

Having a purpose and promoting it with a slogan must be followed by action to make an impact. You have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Be consistent in carrying out your mission and track your successes and failures. Are you meeting the goals you set? Are you making a difference? 

You can’t just make claims, you need to put them into action. 

What Is Your Marketing Mission? 

Why do you do what you do? Figure that out and then focus your marketing communications on that core mission. 

Use your purpose and idealism to help shape your marketing campaigns. This will strengthen the perception of the brand. People will see your company as a change-maker. 

If people like what you’re doing to help the community, a cause, or the world, they’re more inclined to spend their money with you. They want to support companies that align with their views. 

Example to Emulate

Whole Foods Market is a multinational supermarket chain. Their purpose is sustainability and quality.

If you go into one of their stores, it’s obvious that they only sell quality products from sustainable sources.

When their customers shop, they can feel confident they’re getting food that nourishes the body and does it without putting a drain on the planet.

Customers don’t have to spend their time looking at ingredients in various products. Whole Foods is a brand you can trust. 

Whole Foods Market’s purpose is the soul of the company. It’s the reason the brand exists. It enables the company to connect with customers, better the community, and make an impact on the world. 

Are You Marketing With a Purpose? 

When your brand defines its marketing mission around meaning and purpose, you’ll discover new ways to connect with your customers and your community. A genuine and authentic company that focuses on people and exudes empathy has an impact on its audience. 

Do you know who can help you figure out what your marketing focus should be? We at CommCore Marketing can come up with purpose-driven marketing ideas and help you implement them. Contact us today


Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries

