Dec 12, 2019 | Website

How Often Should You Update Your Website?

Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries


The short answer to this question is: As often as it’s worth updating.

Your next question is probably: what’s worth updating?

When you run a business, there are always changes being made, whether it be new products or services, news about your company, new tips, new staff, or industry news. Ideally, you would like to update your users as often as these changes happen. But that’s just not practical or possible.

So instead, we suggest you try to make updates once a month. This goal is far more manageable for most people. Now you may be wondering—why should I update that often?

Let Your Users Know That Your Website is Alive and Active

Imagine you pass a store every day and you never see any activity there, so you’re not sure if the store is open or not. Would you be compelled to buy something from there? Probably not.

It’s the same with websites, but even more so because websites are like virtual storefronts. You want to keep your website fresh so people know it’s active and being used, rather than just being there.

Good for SEO

Search engines favor new content. In fact, Google will look at your website more often as you update it and take this into account when ranking you. Google, like its users, doesn’t like stale content either.

More updates mean more pages to index. More pages to index mean a better chance at boosting your SEO.

Updating your content is also great for increasing your authority because with more content comes more activity and therefore links into and around your site. And as we know from our article What is SEO? quality link building means more authority and higher rankings on search engines.

Good for Social Media

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with content to share on social media. It can also be easy to forget that the ultimate goal of using social media for your business is to drive traffic to your website.

So when you make updates to your website regularly, you add fuel to your social media promotions. Updated content on your website means new content for your social media and new reasons for people to visit your site.

Key to Successful Content Marketing

Content is king. It’s key to having good SEO, it’s key to establishing expertise in your industry, and it’s key to remaining relevant online.

You always want to be creating new or repurposed content for your users, because content means value. The more content you create, the more value you offer.

So with this in mind, it’s almost a no-brainer that you need to make regular updates to your website. It’s not just for keeping things fresh for your users and for Google, but for the sake of your marketing efforts.

If you keep offering value to users, they’re more likely to return to your website to get more value, share your content, subscribe or sign up, buy your products or services, and recommend your business.

Don’t underestimate the power of good content. And don’t let your website suffocate from stale content.

It’s Not an Easy Answer

So the long answer to how often you should update your website is that it really depends on your industry, your resources, your time management, and how often you have changes worth the update.

All in all, it’s more important to consider why we update content rather than how often. There isn’t some secret formula for the timing of updating content. There’s no doubt that updating your website should be made regular. But that regularity is up to you. However regularly you decide to update your website, try to commit to it.

For professional content writing assistance to update your website, contact CommCore Marketing.

Laura DeVries

Laura DeVries

