by Laura DeVries | Feb 10, 2023 | brand, Brand Management, Communications, Company Branding, Goal Setting, Marketing, ROI, Vision
One in five successful entrepreneurs uses a vision board when goal planning according to a recent study backed by neuroscience. Did you ever make a picture collage in elementary or high school? Your teacher may have asked you to find pictures representing your...
by Laura DeVries | Jun 16, 2022 | Company Branding, Marketing, Sales
Are you like many Americans pondering the question, “Are we going into a recession?” The answer you’ll receive depends on who you ask…some economists say it’s pretty certain within the next couple of years, while others say...
by Laura DeVries | Jun 16, 2020 | Marketing
When you’re on budget and you have a bit more time to focus on marketing, there are several things you can do to grow your business’s reach. Outsource if you don’t have the time: It’s easy to get caught up in work for our clients, so wouldn’t it be easier to have...
by Laura DeVries | Apr 16, 2020 | Blogging, Communications, Company Branding, Marketing, Networking, Social Media, Website
To say the last few weeks haven’t affected all of us both personally and professionally would be a disservice to our families and businesses. We want to reassure you that we are here for you and remind you of the importance to stay engaged with your clients – even...
by Laura DeVries | Feb 15, 2019 | ROI
ROI is Return on Investment. This is actually not a new term, as entrepreneurs and the like have been using it for decades to describe the measurable success of marketing and advertising. Before there were established metrics for digital marketing, anyone could claim...